Religious School
Proud to have a Religious School that is one of the twenty-one nationwide accredited by the Association of Temple Educators.

Sunday School
PreK – 7th Grade
Sunday mornings 9:30am-12:00pm
The Sunday classes offer students opportunities to learn Torah, prayers used in our religious services, how to help the community through G’milut Chasadim (acts of loving kindness), and Hebrew.
Hebrew School
4th Grade – 7th Grade
Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00pm
Our Tuesday classes focus on Hebrew and prayer comprehension.
8th Grade – 12th Grade
Every few Sundays for 1.5 hours
These classes focus on social action/social justice, comparative religion and subjects important to teenagers.
Our Sunday class schedule includes a block of Judaic studies, a block of Hebrew, and an elective block. Every grade goes on a field trip that correlates to their curriculum.
Examples of Electives: Jewish cooking, Debate, You Be The Judge, Arts & Crafts, Gardening, Karate, and more.