Our Or Chadash library contains more than 1200 books with Jewish content. With a wide variety of topics, and materials for adults, children, and teens, we hope to have something to interest everyone. So if you are looking to further your study of Jewish texts, or looking for a novel about Jewish life, or need some traditional recipes or a picture book to read with your kids – we have it for you in the library.
To use the library, come in any time the building is open. If you’d like to borrow a book, the sign-out system is in a gray binder just to the left of the door of the room as you come in. Books circulate for one month.
Our catalog is online, and you can search it by “tags” (subjects) to see what books we have on a particular topic. You can also search the catalog by author or title, if you want to see if we have a specific book. Please note that the online catalog does not “know” if a book has been borrowed, just that it is in our collection…so if you see a book in the catalog, it may be out with another member at that time. The link to our online catalog is: http://www.librarything.com/catalog/OrChadashLibrary

The library’s collection has been entirely built with the donations of our members. If you have Jewish books in good condition that you would like to donate to the library, you can leave them in the “donations” box under the window on the wall facing the door, or contact the Library Committee if you want more information.
Michael Abrahams
Chair of the Library Committee