- All services will be available via Zoom. In-person will be available for some services (with masks, distancing, and limited numbers). If you have not yet done so, please fill out your High Holy Day participation survey by the August 21st due date.
- On Rosh Hashanah morning and Yom Kippur morning (schedule shown below), you will see “Part 1” and “Part 2”. They are part of the same service (and the same people will be physically present for Part 1 and 2), but it is just to give people a bit of a Zoom break.
- There will be no childcare during in-person services this year.
- Non-members are welcome to join our Zoom services. Suggested donation is $180 per household. They will need to RSVP with Bita to ensure they are on the list. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services will use the waiting room feature in Zoom to help ensure everyone is meant to be with us (i.e. no “Zoom-bombers”)
- Children’s programming will be available, including to non-members without charge, in-person only (i.e. no Zoom option) with masks, social distancing, temperature/COVID checks and will contain different stations with different activities. Please RSVP to Bita by September 5th.
- Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services will include slides to allow people to see the prayers through Zoom. For other services people will be able to use the flip-book.
- Rise Against Hunger (a program to help feed the hungry around the globe) is happening! The organization has tweaked their set-up to ensure it meets all the CDC requirements. Whether or not you physically participate, feel free to help sustain the program by making a donation. If you write a check, please make it out to Rabbi Kobey’s Discretionary Fund and ear mark for Rise Against Hunger. Sign up for it here!
- Our annual manna food drive is happening too! You may drop off a bag of food between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. When it gets closer to the holidays, specific times and details will be shared.
- Yizkor booklet information is due Friday, September 4th (strict deadline to ensure we can compile it and get it to you before Yom Kippur). In addition to filling out the form, this year we will also be doing a slide show of your loved ones. If you want to include pictures, please e-mail them to Rabbi Kobey.
- Selichot will be outside around the fire pit (weather permitting). Please sign up for it here
- Sukkot services will be outside in the back near the sukkah. Please bring a flashlight/ reading light and sign up for it here.
- There will be no Erev Rosh Hashanah oneg nor Rosh Hashanah luncheon ☹
- There will be break-the-fast! For Ne’ilah service (the final service of Yom Kippur) we will invite people to drive to our parking lot and stay in your own cars. We will broadcast the service through both Zoom (in case you still want to be at your house) and a local radio station (for those people in cars). After the conclusion of Ne’ilah, we will invite you to break-the-fast, using dairy or vegetarian food that you bring from your own house and eat on your own. If you want to stay in your car, you may do so. You may also come out of your car to schmooze (chat), assuming you wear a mask and still social distance (and please still wave to the people in cars!).
Saturday, September 12th at 6:30pm.
Erev Rosh Hashanah
Friday, September 18th
7:30pm. Service time (Approx. time 1 ¼ hours)
8:45 Breakout rooms for schmoozing (talking)
Rosh Hashanah
Saturday, September 19th
9:30am Service Part 1 – (Approx. time 45 minutes)
10:15 Break
10:30 Service Part 2 – (Approx time 45 minutes)
11:15 Breakout rooms for schmoozing
3:30pm Tashlich at Black Hill Biker/Hiker Trail
Sunday, September 20th
9:30am Rosh Hashanah programming (digitally) for the entire religious school
Erev Yom Kippur
Sunday, September 27th
7:30pm (Approx. time 1 ¼ hours)
8:45pm Breakout rooms for schmoozing
Yom Kippur
Monday, September 28th
9:45 Service Part 1 – (Approx. time 45 minutes)
10:30 Break
10:45 Service Part 2 – (Approx. time 45 minutes)
11:15 Breakout rooms for schmoozing
11:15 Rise Against Hunger set-up
12:15-2:45 Meal Packing
3:30 (approx. time) Afternoon Programming [some prayers and small group discussion in random break-out rooms] (Approx. time 45 minutes)
5:00 Yizkor (Approx. 45 minutes)
6:30 Ne’ilah in parking lot broadcast through radio/verbal Zoom.
Break-fast together in cars
Friday, October 2nd
7:30pm Services
Simchat Torah
Friday, October 9th
7:30pm Services with Consecration